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Diablo Pittsburg Wetland-Water Quality Education Grant

The City of Pittsburg (City) through its Environmental Services Division develops, manages and facilitates several environmental quality and sustainability programs.  Since 2009, the City’s Delta Waters Program has partnered with the Pittsburg Unified School District, Corteva Agrisciene (formerly Dow Checmial), and the US Department of Fish and Wildlife annually to expose approximately 180 fourth grade students to hands on interactive lessons in water quality, watersheds, bioaccumulation, native and invasive species, and micro versus microorganisms at the Corteva Wetlands Preserve.   Over the years, the City has also engaged both Pittsburg High School and Los Medanos Community College students in various water resources programs such as Kirker Creek/Corteva Wetland GIS mapping education programs, invasive plant removal series, and water quality sampling lessons.  Likewise, through the Pittsburg Arts and Community Foundation (PACF) the City has and continues to host a myriad of successful and unique education programs and workshops for residents of all ages in the categories of literacy, performing arts, CPR and first aid, visual arts, cultural education, and job/career preparation.  PACF’s CPR and first aid certification program for example, intentionally targeted at-risk youth and included a critical thinking component hinging on students making the connection between the temptation to harm others and conversely, the grueling work required to save others. Both the City and PACF continuously seek opportunities for expanding current and developing new education programs.

*Pittsburg Arts and Community Foundation (PACF) is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization.

©2015-2019 Pittsburg Arts & Community Foundation (PACF)
65 Civic Avenue, Pittsburg, CA 94565

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